
Lee’s new exhibition, Demian, at Makasiini Contemporary marks the artist’s first solo exhibition in Europe. The title of the exhibition refers to the novel written by Hermann Hesse, which is about navigating oneself in the world that is believed to consist of two different kinds— the good and the evil. However, ultimately through the novel, the protagonist realizes it is their own perception, likewise their illusion of the world. Lee relates the idea in the book to the gray areas in our reality which has always been her interest, and mentions that certain social circumstances such as polarization in Korea especially in her generation, is one of the factors that influenced her paintings, as well as her genuine curiosity and admiration in how each one has their own universe of values. Lee’s works invite the viewer to contemplate one’s own values regarding, but not limited to, womanhood and female desire, as can be seen in certain paintings that involve female bodies.
Love Me/Love Me Not
LKIF Gallery
Seoul, Korea
Seoul, Korea
9 MAY - 30 MAY 2021

Lee Kyung Seo(b.1995) uses human figure and its gesture as a presentment of feelings. Depicting anonymous characters with underlying narrative driven by inner feelings such as intimacy, confusion, conflicts, and relationship itself, the artist deliberately makes her protagonists void of sexual identity, which makes the viewer to focus more on his own response to emotional content of each painting. Lee starts the painting without any primary sketches. The painting goes through many phases of spontaneous brush strokes in a rhythmical manner. All the marks and traces are mixed, overlapped, clashed, covered and finally converged just like how we wrap up our minds. The artist projects this tides of emotions onto the viewer and allows for multiple points of view. “My paintings are rooted in ambivalent minds from everyday occurrence. It would be better if all relationships, all causes and effects, and the reasons are clear enough. I often face that ambiguous sentiments that cannot be clearly distinctive like 0 and 1 in computers. To process those feelings, I have kept my spontaneous style on canvas and follow my emotional path. It is similar to when we write in pencil. We write, rub the pencil marks, and rewrite. Each painting is a container of all emotional phases and marks. Playing with colors and figures, the meaning and nuance are incessantly changed until it’s finished.”
South Open
OHSH Projects at Peckham Arches,
London, UK
London, UK
23 Mar - 22 APR 2023

Since April 2021 OHSH Projects has been exhibiting artists in Central London in an area that was once a hub for artistic creatives but has largely been decimated by rent increases and economic turmoil. Artists have been forced to relocate further and further to the outskirts of the city including south of the river and for our first exhibition in this area we feel it is important to spotlight the South London artistic community.
Our South Open exhibition invited emerging artists to respond to an open call for artists who live, work or studied in South London. We are delighted to be exhibiting work by graduates of the Royal College of Art, Wimbledon College of Arts and Goldsmith’s College, all South London institutions. The artists exhibited in the exhibition also have studios in Brixton, Peckham and Woolwich. Bringing these artists together reflects our endeavour to illuminate the breadth of talent across the artistic community south of the river.